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Minsa Kabanda 2026
For the last 30 years, I have served my country and the city I call home Kampala, with diligence and love! It’s this reason, I get up and strive for a better Kampala City. Counting on my experience as a medical practitioner, to serving as an LC 1, LC3 and LC5 councillor, to having the doors of Doctors clinic open since 1998 and finally seving as Minister for Kampala City to present. The Trust the president, other city stakeholders and the people of Kampala have entrusted me in invaluable to say the least. I thank you all and may this platform provide you a detailed roadmap for Kampala and her citizens, as your MP.
John Smith
My Roles, as MP For Kampala City in 2026
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As Mp, I will monitor and bring to the attention of Ministers and the public the misuse of Government funds, violations of the rule of law and unlawful activities, among others

Budget Analysis
I will analyse and pass or approve the national budget and loan applications for every financial year.

Legislation & Lobbying
I will debate and pass laws through which the institutions of Government endeavour to guide the country’s development on your behalf.

Representation & Engagement
I will represent Kampala constituents’ views in Parliament and bring to the attention of relevant Ministers on national matters.

Kampala in Numbers
420bn- Revenue Per annum |
5-Divisions |
18,424 Sqm- Total Sqm |
XXXX- Pdm Budget |
XXXX- KCCA Budget |
XXXX-Unemployement Rate |

Total Population

CBD Population
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