The Year 1961
My Birth & Childhood
I was born in 19XX, in the village of XX, in YY. I come from a family of XX, where im the NN born. My Father is LL, and Mother is RR. Growing up in VV was very exciting and shaped the girl, woman, wife, medic and leader that I have become today.
Education Background
I studied from XX from 19VV to 19CC, I attained different qualifications which include the XX, MM, YY, FF, SS and QQ. Its From this that I founded Doctors Clinic in Kisenyi, Kalitunsi

Serving My People
I first served in Local government between XX and YY. During this period I served as LC 1 councillor in XX Ward from CC to HH, then as LC3 councillor for MM, From YY to WW and Finally as LC 5 councillor from KK to LL. And Currently, I serve as Minister of Kampala Metropolitan Affairs, a Position I have held from 2021 to Present day. During my time of service, I have managed to work hand in hand with different stakeholders and foster development for the communities and people at large.
2021-To Date
Minister for Kampala Metropolitan Affairs
And Currently, I serve as Minister of Kampala Metropolitan Affairs, a Position I have held from 2021 to Present day. During my time of service, I have managed to work hand in hand with different stakeholders like the KCCA Technical & Political Wing, the Citizens and others to foster development for the betterment of Kampala City.